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Are You Ready To Join The Screen Time Strategies Workshop?

You will learn how to implement the four strategic layers of tech for setting up age-appropriate boundaries and the two foundational layers your family needs to develop for a healthy and purposeful screen time playbook.

Are you looking for someone to help you find the tools and strategies to improve your communication with your family about the use of devices and how to be safe online?

Would you benefit from having someone save you time by walking you through all the best technology options available that provide your family structure, boundaries, and will improve your communication?

Is your child asking to use social media or gaming apps that include chats but you know your family needs help with protecting their exposure to adult content, being groomed, or lead into a dangers situations while online?

Family Communication

& Social Technology Strategies

Families that work together to set up social and emotional support systems, enroll in social technology training, and implement the right technology strategies will improve their online experience and will encourage open family communication.

"I remember the stress we experienced when new apps and games with social components started coming out in rapid succession. Keeping up with all the changes was overwhelming, difficult to navigate, and conversations about time limits became more difficult."


But it didn't need to be that way.

Please Check All That Apply!

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, I Want To Invite You To Join This Workshop & Support Program And Transform How Your Family Uses Technology.

Don't be alone, Don't do it alone, Don't lose yourself, and don't lose your family to devices and screen time Pitfalls!

This program will transform the way you approach setting age-appropriate technology boundaries and build your confidence in navigating and simplifying the complex layers of tech. 

How Will You Benefit From Taking This Workshop & Support Program? 

  • You will discover the 3 things you can do today to improve safety and how to utilize what you already have available to help you start managing screens

  • You will feel more confident with strategies that help you shift from the daily battle to a well-defined set of goals and action steps in managing screen time

  • I will walk you through how utilizing Routers, Monitoring Software, Device Setting, and Application & Game Settings that will improve your family communication and build trust

  • You will learn how to set expectations, safety tips, laws, and how to navigate difficult findings

  • You will utilize strategy checklists and plans to help keep your family purposeful with technology and develop more meaningful connections

  • You will have tools to help guide you through conversation topics you want to have with your children

  • We will review together the top questions parents ask, hacks youths use, what are recommended age-appropriate technology boundaries and much more.

  • What You Will Learn From

    This Program?

    This interactive group program will help you become more aware and informed of the technology layers that you can use to transform your families online experience with setting age-appropriate boundaries.

    4 Week Hands-on Workshop

    • First Line of Defense 

    • Learn why routers are important and learn about your options. This week you will make sure you check your router settings and take full advantage of what it can do for your family.

    • Router Add-on’s, Family Linking, & Monitoring Software

    • Review the key features to consider when setting up free family linking, selecting a router add-on hardware, and monitoring software. Learn the best ways to implement these solutions and .why they are useful. 

    • Devices, Devices, and more Devices

    • Take a look at the verity of devices and learn how to best manage them and what their setting can do for you, how to consolidate monitoring, and understand the loop holes.

    • App setting and how to determine if the are age-appropriate.

    • Review the best way to implement app setting from streaming devices to phones and how to manage the lifecycle of the apps.


    One 30 min Implementation Strategy Call to Review Your Technology and Communication Playbook  


    10 Bi-Weekly Group Check-in & Training Calls

    These training meetings are designed to support your family along the way to becoming tech informed. Changing habits and family dynamics takes time and consistency. Attending these meeting and taking weekly action steps will help ensure family success in navigating screen time challenges. You will learn proactive steps to continue to keep you child protected and how to respond if serious situations come up.

    These sessions are essential in transforming your families online experience with setting age-appropriate boundaries.

    Topics Include:

    • How to manage expectations

    • TRIM back technology challenge

    • How to manage information overload

    • When to get therapy and be trauma informed

    • Curiosty parenting style

    • How to undo tech choices and take responsibility

    • The 20+ ways your teen is getting around your settings

    • How to respond to what you find on the child's device

    • How to help a child develop healthy online friendships.

    • Device strategies for Co-parent and blended families 

    • Top 10 subjects to talk to your teen about

    • 10 ways to build human connection

    • Top 5 warning signs your child has a device addiction



    How to Manage Devices & Apps Workbook



    4 Steps to TRIM Back Screen Time Workbook

    You Can Expect These Benefits

  • You will feel connected in a judgment free community

  • You will be armed with resources you can use to evaluate apps and devices from the experts

  • I will help you build resilience in staying strong when setting age-appropriate boundaries

  • You will learn how to set expectations, safety tips, laws, and how to navigate difficult findings

  • I will help you develop your families playbook on how to cutback and become purposeful with technology

  • You will learn practical ways to manage devices and apps while teaching your children how to self-monitor

  • You will have a better understanding about screen time hacks the youth are doing and tips to help you approach it with curiosity and empathy for why they are doing it

  • Here's Everything That You Get

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    This Is A Limited Time Price Reduced Offer

    • 4 week hands-on workshop that will help you become more aware and informed of the technology layers that you can use to transform your families online experience with setting age-appropriate boundaries. [$250]

    • One 30 minute implementation strategy call to review your technology and communication Playbook. [$100]

    • 10 weekly group check-in & training calls that will keep you informed and supported while you transform your families tech usage [$500]

    • 3 group family online trainings with the whole family [$250]

    • Bonuses
    • Grandparents and caregiver can join the 4 weeks workshop to insure those that are involved with you child are all educated. [$250]

    • TRIM Back Technology workbook [$50]

    • Device and App Management workbook [$50]

    • 3 Guest speaker webinars on related topics [$150]

    • Movie night Q&A conversations on two important documentaries [$100]

    • Access to the Conversational Parenting Facebook Group and all past posted trainings and videos [Priceless]

    • Infographic Family Technology and Communication Framework that simplify the complex layers of technology that families need to navigate [$50]

    • Referral Program Earn 15% of program enrollment cost for parents or professionals you refer to my program or workshops [$Limitless]

    Most importantly, you will leave this course feeling more confident when you learn how technology can help you set screen time boundaries and protect your child [$Priceless]

    Total Value: $1,750

    Pre-Launch Special Price:

    Only $457

    What Parents are saying about

    This Program

    Keeping our kids safe online these days is no joke....there are so many things to consider, research, block, unblock, talk about, and on and on. This program curates so much valuable information - you will walk away from it feeling empowered and ready to work as a family on ensuring everyone stays safe and loved.

    Parent ~ Tiffany Vaughan

    Our family found this program very helpful. The content was timely and relevant to what we were going through with her kids. It was helpful to have tasks for us to work on as parents and for our kids to work on so that we would have a better awareness of how technology is affecting our kids.

    Parent ~ Teresa G.


    About Your Tech Coach

    I am a trauma-informed experienced parent of 7 with 25 years of Sr. level tech skills that can help you unpack the layers of technology so that you have a better understanding why parents struggle with tech boundaries and how youth are bypassing the parent controls.  Parents are overwhelmed and technology is developing at a faster rate than ever before. Children approach technology with curiosity and are getting caught in the net. They are suffering behind the screens. I have help many parents implement my strategies to set the right boundaries for their family and be more purposeful with technology. 

    GET INSTANT ACCESS to the group.

    Enroll My Family In The Screen Time Strategies Workshop.

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